2nd Team Fixture with Whetstone Senior Men

This annual fixture was played at Whetstone Golf Club on Thursday 14th August.

As usual the Whetstone Senior Men, led by their Captain Steve Cave, made us most welcome. We played an am-am two ladies and two gents with full handicap. Any two scores to count, 3 on par 3s and all on the 18th. There was also a nearest the pin prize on the 17th. An easy friendly fixture enjoyed by everyone.

The weather stayed relatively fine with a couple of short showers, not enough to dampen the spirits.

The winning team with a score of 97 points was Sheila Chamberlain - Scraptoft, Elaine Moulton - Breedon Priory with Malcolm Wileman & Tony Chambers. They were presented with the ADONIS TROPHY and a bottle of wine each.

In second place with 97 points were Steve Cave - Captain, Jill Preston - Captain, Jenny Gould - Whetstone and Trevor Brookin. Each also received a bottle of wine.

Nearest the pin was Elaine Moulton - Breedon Priory and she and her team each was given a small bottle of wine.

Following the match we enjoyed a lovely meal together of Roast Lamb with all the trimmings and massive apple crumbles with custard or ice cream which beat many of us, but delicious.