2nd Team v Northants 2nd Team

With Hurricane Bertha making its presence known with heavy rain and high winds the day before, it was touch and go as to whether the match would be played. However on the morning of the match, the forecast was encouraging, starting dry with a risk of heavy showers later.

The course had drained well and, apart from a few partially flooded bunkers, was in good playing condition. The whole team turned up and the match started on time. The weather was fine apart from very strong winds, which made play interesting, for the first 3 1/2 hours, but ominous black clouds were threatening. A storm eventually developed with thunder, lightning and very heavy rain, at which point, the match was terminated. However a result had been achieved with a win to Leicestershire and Rutland 4 1/2 - 3 1/2 .

Everyone enjoyed the match and we look forward to next year in the hope of more clement conditions.