L & R Vs Staffs 1st Team 3/6/24

L&RVLGA 1st Team Match Vs Staffordshire

Cosby GC Monday June 3rd 2024

Result 6 / 2 to Staffordshire

Well, at least it stayed dry for our the first match of the season.  We were ‘warned’ before play to stay out of the rough – which was brutal but the course played well albeit long, like most courses after the wet winter/spring conditions.

We played a very strong Staffordshire team and were looked after very well by Cosby with a lovely meal afterwards.   We welcomed Sue the Staffordshire President and Liz  Merryman – Staffs captain for the day. 

My thanks to 2nd team Vice Captain Pauline Vickers for helping me on the day with the ‘Meet & Greet’

Many thanks to all the L & R ladies who played – with dates clashing this year with county and past captains fixtures we just managed to field a team of 16.  It was nice to have some new ladies playing and earning their first match towards their county colours.

Team that played:

Di Jaggard (Captain) Barbara Suffolk, Rita Watts, Kate Elliot, Jo Groom, Helen Shaw, Trina Tidmass, Sarah Bowler, Linden McCoubrie, Trish Formoy, Lesley Eastgate, Gail Andrews, Val Foster, Karen Latter, Karen Wiseman, Adrianne Jones.