Championship results 15th May

Results of the Championships held at Kilworth Springs Golf Club on Monday 15th May are as follows.

Poyner Cup for the  Best Gross - Joanne Morris - Bourne,  76 points

Silver Division  best gross  - Tracey Bates, 84 

Bronze division  best Gross Deb West , 101 

Best net over 70's Anne Jervis , 78 

Silver Division  net results 

1st Val Foster 70

2nd Di Jaggard 73 on count back 

3rd Linden McCoubrie 73 

Bronze Division  net results 

1st Helen McVeigh 77

2nd Val Holbrook 81

3rd Sheila Major  83

Loros Sqares am raffle won by Nicky Collett and Cathryn Hoyland

pm raffle won by Beverly Roebuck and Brenda Hopewell.